Re-Booting Dental Habits for the New Year

As the yearwinds down and makes way for the new, many of us pause and reflect on what wewould like to change about our habits. This is especially true when it comes toour health. Maybe it's time to lose those 20 pounds for good. Perhaps you wantto start dressing for the job you want. What about your dental habits? What isthe one thing you can improve upon to have a healthier mouth for the new year?

StopUsing Tobacco Products

Want to killtwo resolution birds with one stone? Stop smoking or using other smokelesstobacco products for better oral health. Not only are these products linked tocancer of the lungs, but they can also cause cancerous growths in your mouth,cheeks and gums. Even if you have tried to quit before and failed, there is nobetter time to try again than now. Enlist the help of your physician, dentist,friends or loved ones or even a support group for better results.

Brushingand Flossing

If you arenot brushing twice a day with the right toothpaste and flossing every day, now is the time torecommit to this daily practice. Be sure to replace your toothbrush every threeto four months or more if your bristles are frayed, or you have been sick.Daily flossing also helps prevent gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath. Ifthat's not enough reason to spend a little more time on your teeth, imagine theclear conscience you'll have when you walk in to see your dentist next time.

GoSee Your Dentist

Speakingof your dentist, if it has been more than six months since you have had aprofessional cleaning, now is the time to schedule a visit. Routine dental carenot only keeps your teeth shiny and gums healthy, but it also helps yourdentist monitor any changes in your health history that may be affecting yourteeth. Call today to schedule your appointment and enjoy better oral health inthe new year!